• Borys Grinchenko Kyiv Metropolitan University
    Borys Grinchenko Kyiv Metropolitan University
  • Borys Grinchenko Kyiv Metropolitan University
    Borys Grinchenko Kyiv Metropolitan University
  • Borys Grinchenko Kyiv Metropolitan University
    Borys Grinchenko Kyiv Metropolitan University

Being aware of our users’ needs is one of the main tasks of our library staff. We conduct regular surveys that help us to develop and implement new services and services for our readers; we monitor new trends in science and in conducting research; we take the best colleagues’ experience and share our outcomes with others.

Library collections

Library collections are freely available in the reading rooms. We provide our users with:
● Educational and Scientific Papers
● Fiction and Books in Foreign Languages
● Rare and Valuable Editions
● Encyclopedias, Reference Books, Dictionaries
● Periodicals in Various Scientific Domains
● Theses and Dissertations Originals
● Scientific Papers and Journals Collections
● Conferences Proceedings

E-content for visitors

Rare books from library collections (http://library.kubg.edu.ua/resursi/fondy-biblioteky/ridkisni-ta-tsinni-vydannia.html). Publications of the second half of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries printed in a civic font, are kept in the library's fund. They are a treasure of the university bookstore. With the help of the catalog the readers have an opportunity to get acquainted with the list of rare editions, as well as to work with the digitized version of the book. 

Information services

● Electronic delivery of documents is a service that provides users with an opportunity to receive electronic copies of articles or fragments of printed publications from the University Library funds to the customer's e-mail.
● Editing the lists of used literature in a scientific publication and the list of references in accordance with international styles.
● Information on new acquisitions —informing users about new acquisitions of books and periodicals to the library fund.
● Consultancy on working with electronic resources.
● Interlibrary loan (ILL): a possibility to order documents from other libraries
● Indexing scientific papers with UDC codes
● Thematic selection of literature for the article, course, diploma, dissertation and other works from existing documents in library funds.
● Photocopying, scanning, copying electronic documents, printing documents
● BookCrossing: read a book & pass it on



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