Vasyl Kremen
Honorable Professors and Doctors
: The President of the National Academy of Pedagogic Sciences of Ukraine
Oleksandra Savchenko
Honorable Professors and Doctors
: The adviser to the President of the National Academy of Pedagogic Sciences
Leonid Kravchuk
Honorable Professors and Doctors
: The first President of independent Ukraine
Ivan Drach
Honorable Professors and Doctors
: Ukrainian writer, translator, scriptwriter
Vasyl Yaremenko
Honorable Professors and Doctors
: Head of the Federation of Patriotic publications
thumb_Богдан Гаврилишин
Bohdan Havrylyshyn
Honorable Professors and Doctors
: Years of life1926-2016, Foreign member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Marshall Christensen
Honorable Professors and Doctors
: Founder of the International Organization Co-Serve International
thumb_Карл Хольц
Karl L. Holtz
Honorable Professors and Doctors
: Professor of Special Pedagogy and Psychology at Heidelberg University of Education
Tadeusz Lewowicki
Honorable Professors and Doctors
: Honorable Rector of Higher Pedagogical School of Polish Teachers’ Union
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