Fulbright Visiting Scholar at Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University

Emily S. Channell is a Fulbright student grantee with an
affiliation at Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University during the
2013-2014 academic year. She is a PhD candidate in
Anthropology at The Graduate Center, City University of New

She completed her bachelor's degree in Anthropology and French Studies at American University in Washington, D.C. She has worked on research projects about social networks in Labrador, Canada, and the politics of coal mining in West Virginia, her home state.

Her current research focuses on youth political movements in post-Soviet Ukraine. Using social network analysis methods,she will map the connections among young activists and their organizations in order to understand the ways young people relate to one another in the Ukrainian context. She will use ethnographic methods, such as interviews and participant observation, to create a more detailed picture of what it means to be a young person in contemporary Ukraine. She will be based in Kyiv but plans to travel to various other cities to map a nation-wide network of youth organizations. In so doing, she will examine the different struggles and successes of youth political activists in several of Ukraine's regions.

She may be contacted about her research via email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

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