National Record of Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University

9April 17, 2014
Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University

On April 17, 2014 our University made a new national record in a nomination "The Biggest Number of Easter Eggs on the Tree" and was awarded with the Certificate.

On the eve of great Christian holiday, Easter, our University students and students from Kyiv schools have painted 2014 eggs. The tradition of painting eggs has deep roots and long history in Ukraine. The krashanky and pysanky (Easter eggs) are an old pre-Christian element and have an important role in the Easter rites. Pysanka has its origins from the Ukrainian word "pysaty"– to write. It is made with waxes and dyes, and can be intricately designed. The sun is God, the tree elements the Trinity, endless lines symbolize eternity and the fish symbolizes Christ.

Pysanky were made by the women of the house, during Lent. They would gather eggs, and save the best ones for making pysanky. On the chosen evening, they would gather, say a prayer and then talk and sing while decorating their eggs. In a large family, by Holy Thursday, 60 eggs would have been completed. This was done in secrecy, away from the men, and away from the prying eyes of other villagers. Each family had their own dyes and their own patterns, and guarded them. Each village had its common motifs and color combinations as well; experts can often look at a traditional pysanka and tell you exactly where it was made. University students have used different painting techniques, symbols and colors for creating the unique Easter Tree. Easter Tree is a symbol of peace and joint Ukraine.


National Register of Records awarded our University with the Certificate to confirm the national record.


Tourists and citizens had an opportunity to take pictures with this Easter Tree.

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