Agreement for Cooperation with the University of Lodz

4578May 15, 2015
Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University (Kyiv, Ukraine)
The University of Lodz (Lodz, Poland)

Viсtor Ogneviuk, Rector of Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University and Włodzimierz Nykiel, President of the University of Lodz have agreed about the cooperation in the education, scientific research and cultural spheres. On May 15, 2015 both Parties signed an Agreement for Cooperation. The Universities shall cooperate with each other within the framework of this Agreement taking into account the interests of each University.

The University of Lodz is one of the leading institutions of higher education in Poland. It was established in 1945 as a successor of educational institutions active in Lodz in earlier times. The 13 faculties of the University provide programmes in 70 fields of study and 182 specializations. In addition, the University offers doctoral programmes, more than 70 postgraduate curricula including an MBA programme, and programmes financed by the ESF.

The 40,000 students that attend classes at different faculties of the University are taught by 2,222 academic teachers, 580 of whom bear the highest academic rank.
The University of Lodz boasts the oldest and most recognized School of Polish for Foreigners that has educated over 22,000 students since 1952. It offers basic courses of Polish as well as thematic Polish language courses in history, geography, biology, chemistry, physics, mathematics and philosophy to provide prospective students with the knowledge needed in their future academic settings.

For more detailed information about the University of Lodz you may visit its official site 


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