Incoming Students

In order to facilitate international programs in education and training development, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv Metropolitan University actively participates in the development of international relations. Students from other countries who come to study at Borys Grinchenko Kyiv Metropolitan University fall into two categories:

International student – a non-resident of Ukraine who comes to study at Borys Grinchenko Kyiv Metropolitan University for a full major program.

Exchange student – is a person who is admitted to Borys Grinchenko Kyiv Metropolitan University under the auspices of existing exchange program or bilateral agreement (remaining a student of the original foreign University).     

Preparatory Department

General information about the Department

The Preparatory Department for Foreigners and Stateless Persons prepares foreigners and stateless persons for admission to educational programs at the first (bachelor's), second (master's) educational levels at the Borys Grinchenko Kyiv Metropolitan University and admission to other higher education institutions of Ukraine and acts accordingly to the laws of Ukraine "On Education", "On Higher Education", other regulations on training and education of foreigners and stateless persons in Ukraine, the Charter of the University and the Regulations on the Preparatory Department for Foreigners and Stateless Persons.
Educational activities of the Preparatory Department are aimed at:
- learning (improvement of the level of proficiency) of Ukrainian by foreigners as a means of communication and a tool for obtaining a specialty;
- unification of knowledge of foreigners in general education subjects in accordance with the level of training of students of general secondary education institutions in Ukraine;
- acquisition of primary professional knowledge by foreign citizens (for admission to educational programs in the field of art).
The term of study at the Preparatory Department is determined by the program and curriculum of the Preparatory Department. The training program is chosen by foreigners depending on their own needs.
Form of study: full-time.
Additional information on the studying of foreign citizens at Borys Grinchenko Kyiv Metropolitan University can be obtained by sending a letter with questions to the e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., or by phone: +38 (044) 485-21-39, as well as directly at the University: 13-b, Levka Lukianenka st., Kyiv, addressing Oksana Klymenko, administrator of the Preparatory Department and Serhiі Kovalenko, administrator.

Learning process
Foreigners enroll in the programs of the preparatory department during the year. Training at the preparatory department is organized according to two training programs, namely:
• Language training (for learning of the state language - Ukrainian);
• Language and subject training (for learning of the state language – Ukrainian and the subject of general education, defined as an entrance test to higher education institutions for accredited educational programs).

Subject training is carried out in three areas: humanitarian, natural science and artistic.
The number of classroom hours devoted to language learning is 720 hours, which provides language proficiency at the B1 level.
Foreigners choose a training program depending on their own needs.
The term of study is determined by the program and curriculum of the preparatory department:
• 9 months (1 academic year);
• 8 months (1 academic year);
• 6 months (1 semester).

Scientific and pedagogical workers of the departments of the University are involved in the teaching of academic disciplines.

The schedule of the educational process, weekly planning of types of classroom and self-study work in academic disciplines, passing of intermediate and final control, holidays are determined in the working curriculum of the corresponding training program for listeners, which is concluded for each academic year and approved in the prescribed manner.
The content of the discipline, learning outcomes of the discipline, criteria and scale for assessing the quality of knowledge of listeners are determined in the working program of the curriculum of the discipline, which is developed by the teacher and approved in the prescribed manner.
Listeners of the Preparatory Department are provided with educational and methodical and informational materials in accordance with the selected training program. Listeners of the Preparatory Department have the right for a free use of the University’s Library in accordance with the Rules of use of the University’s Library, approved in the prescribed manner.



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