Doctoral School: International Dimension

10 February, 2023
Poznan, Republic of Poland (online) 

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On February 10, 2023, at the initiative of the partner of Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University - Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan (Republic of Poland) – academic staff of Grinchenko University took part in a forum dedicated to the training of Doctors of Philosophy. Representatives of higher education institutions and scientific institutions of Poland, Great Britain, Germany, South Korea and Portugal joined the discussion of topical issues. Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University was represented at the forum by Nataliia Vinnikova, Vice-Rector for Research, Doctor of Science in Philology, Professor; Ilona Tryhub, Head of Doctoral School - Head of Postgraduate Studies, Doctoral Studies, PhD in Pedagogy; Olha Vyhovska, Head of Scientific-Research Laboratory for Internationalization of Higher Education, PhD in Political Sciences; Iryna Mankovska, Research Fellow of Scientific-Research Laboratory for Internationalization of Higher Education.
Nataliia Vinnikova presented the experience of training postgraduate students at Grinchenko University, participated in the discussion of issues related to the organization of the admission campaign for postgraduate studies, accompanying postgraduate students and their support in martial law, ways of involving postgraduates in improving the quality of training and development of the University. 

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