Report on Implementation of Scientific Theme "Theoretical and Practical Principles of Use of Fitness Technologies in Physical Education and Sports"

biletska 1

April 27, 2023
Borys Grinchenko Kyiv Univerity

On 27 April 2023, at the meeting of Academic Council at Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, a report on the results of the implementation of the scientific theme of the Department of Sports and Fitness, the Department of Physical Education and Sports Pedagogy of the Faculty of Health, Physical Education and Sports "Theoretical and Practical Principles of Use of Fitness Technologies in Physical Education and Sports" (registration number 0118U001229; term of implementation: 2018-2023; scientific supervisors: Viktoriia Biletska, PhD in Physical Education and Sports, Associate Professor; Liliia Yasko, PhD in Physical Education and Sports, Associate Professor).

The results of the research were presented by Viktoriia Biletska, Head of the Department of Sports and Fitness at the Faculty of Health, Physical Education and Sports, PhD in Physical Education and Sports, Associate Professor.
In the process of implementing the research theme: the data of literary sources and advanced practical experience on the use of fitness technologies in physical education and sports have been systematized; diagnostics of morpho-functional, physical and mental state of different segments of population have been carried out; fitness programs of health, conditioning and sports orientation for use in physical education and sports have been developed; and the following outputs have been determined:
- a list of basic fitness technologies that can be effectively used in the educational and training processes;
- motivational priorities for engaging pupils and students in physical education and sports;
- attitude of practicing coaches to the use of fitness technologies in the educational and training process;
- effectiveness of the use of developed fitness programs in physical education and sports aimed at improving the level of physical fitness and physical condition of different segments of the population.
The results of the research have been implemented in the educational process of general secondary education institutions, higher education institutions, the practice of children's and youth sports schools and the training of Ukrainian national athletics and rowing teams. A variant module "Aerobics" has been developed for the "Physical Education at School" curriculum of general secondary schools; methodological seminars have been held for physical education teachers and sports coaches on the specifics of using fitness technologies in physical education and sports.
In order to train specialists at Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, educational components for the new first (bachelor's) degree program "Fitness and Recreation" ("Fitness Technologies", "Fundamentals of Personal Training", "Recreational Technologies") have been developed and implemented; new working programs for the discipline "Physical Education" for first-year students of all specialties have been developed and implemented (the content of the module "Healthy Lifestyle" has been updated, where students learn to use modern fitness technologies). 

Materials provided by SMC for Research, Scientific Projects and Programs

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