International Cooperation with Adam Mickiewicz University (Poland)


April 02-08, 2023
Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University
From April 2 to April 8, 2023, students of Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University took part in the Interdisciplinary Study in the Humanities Summer School at Adam Mickiewicz University (Poland). The summer school brought together representatives of 10 Ukrainian universities as part of the NAWA project "Solidarity with Ukraine - European Universities".

Grinchenko University was represented by: Uliana Nazymok (a PhD student of the educational and scientific program "History", specialty 032 History and Archeology) and Yevheniia Zubenko (a student of the educational and scientific program "History", specialty 032 History and Archeology). The program included a number of meetings, in particular with vice-rectors, deans and leading scholars of UMA in Poznan, as well as with volunteers, heads of business and entertainment organizations.
The participants discussed opportunities for academic cooperation, joint research projects and learning from the scientific and practical experience of their Polish colleagues. The issue of interdisciplinarity, which opens up new horizons for higher education students of both countries and promotes specialties in demand on the labor market, was particularly focused on.
We are grateful to our partners for inviting and organizing an intensive internship for our students!
Materials provided by International Office (SRL IHE) НДЛ інтернаціоналізації вищої освіти 

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