Participation in launch ceremony of European University Alliance NEOLAiA project at University of Ostrava

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March 05-06, 2024
University of Ostrava (Czech Republic)

On March 06, 2024, Iryna Mankovska, a research fellow of the Scientific Research Laboratory for Internationalization of Higher Education at Borys Grinchenko Kyiv Metropolitan University, took part in the launch ceremony of the European University Alliance NEOLAiA project at the University of Ostrava (Czech Republic).

NEOLAiA is an alliance of nine young European universities, engaged in international cooperation. They follow global trends and, at the same time, are committed to their role in their cities and regions. Located outside of Europe's major metropolitan areas, NEOLAiA universities aim to help their regions prosper and their residents feel part of the European community. Borys Grinchenko Kyiv Metropolitan University is an associate partner in this project.

The main components of the project are digital transformation, diversity and inclusion, as well as increasing mobility. Among the expected achievements of the project is the contribution to the creation of a more united, innovative, digital Europe, open to the whole world, by increasing the sustainability, excellence, geographical and social inclusiveness of European higher education institutions. Also, the project aims to increase the attractiveness and competitiveness of participating higher education institutions on the world stage due to the deepening of transnational cooperation and the unhindered mobility of students, teachers and transnational cooperation, as well as the creation and exchange of knowledge, the development of new concepts, technologies and innovations. In addition, among the goals of the project are the promotion of European values, the promotion of respect for academic freedom and institutional autonomy, as well as the strengthening of European identity of all students, teachers, researchers and employees for cooperation and joint creation of knowledge within the framework of different European and global cultures, in different languages , across sectors, industries and academic disciplines in the context of promoting gender equality, inclusiveness, diversity and equity.

On the eve of the event, on March 05, 2024, a meeting was held with the Vice-Rector for International Affairs of the University of Ostrava, Ms. Renata Tomášková, and representatives of the University's International Department to discuss the prospects for cooperation and the topic of Grinchenko University's participation in the European University Alliance NEOLAiA project. 

SDG 04 min

SDG 17 min

Materials provided by SRL of Internationalization of Higher Education 


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