December 26, 2024
Borys Grinchenko Kyiv Metropolitan University
On December 26, 2024, at a meeting of the Academic Council at Borys Grinchenko Kyiv Metropolitan University, a report on the implementation of the research “Media Studies in Scientific and Educational Discourses” by the Faculty of Journalism (registration number: 0120U000064; deadline: 2019-2024) was approved.
The results of the study in five areas for the period from December 2019 to December 2024 were presented by one of the project leaders, Viktoriia Ivashchenko, Deputy Dean for Research at the Faculty of Journalism, Professor of the Department of Media Production and Publishing, Doctor of Science in Philology, Professor.
During the implementation of the research topic:
- at the first (preparatory/initial) stage (2019-2020): 1) the research concept was developed; 2) empirical bases were formed in five research areas: “Prolegomena to Media Studies as a New Interdisciplinary Field of Knowledge”, “Informal Media Education in Ukraine and EU Countries”, “Professionalism of Modern Media Specialists”, “Media Practices in the Educational Process of the Faculty of Journalism at Grinchenko University”, “Media Lexical Minimum as a Platform for Communicative Interaction. Media Dictionary”;
- at the second (main/research) stage (2021-2023), the research concept was implemented step by step: in the first direction, the history of the formation of media science was traced and the main structural divisions of media studies were identified; the existence of prolegomena to media studies as a new interdisciplinary field of knowledge was found; the author's methodology for describing and modelling the conceptual sphere and subject area of media studies by topological parameters was developed; in the second direction - the regulatory framework on media education in the EU countries and in Ukraine was compared; the modern system of media education in Ukraine was outlined; the experience of media education centres in the EU countries was summarized; the dynamics of concepts for creating a university media centre was traced; in the third direction - technologies for the formation of professionalism of media specialists were identified and analysed; theoretical and methodological foundations for their study, typology and specifics of implementation in the educational process of Ukrainian and foreign universities were developed; in the fourth direction - a system of media practices, a typology of media formats and methods for creating media products based on the competence centres of the FJ were developed; media practices were introduced into the educational process at the FJ in the format of practical tasks; in the fifth direction, the experience of creating electronic multimedia educational terminology dictionaries was summarized; a typology of media dictionaries and electronic educational terminology dictionaries as media platforms for communication interaction was developed; there was theoretically substantiated, created and implemented in the educational process of IJ/FJ the electronic educational resource (EER) “Lexical minimum of a media scholar” as an experimental virtual laboratory, on the platform of which higher education students of all levels together with the teaching staff master various media practices; a survey on the use of the resource in the educational process of FJ was conducted.
The results of the theoretical and analytical research have been practically implemented through the creation and implementation in the educational process at the Faculty of Journalism:
- Centre for Media Education based on the Media School at Grinchenko University (2021-2023);
- Grinchenko University Media Hub (2023-2027) in the format of media education, media production and media research;
- an experimental model of the electronic educational resource EER “Lexical minimum of a media scholar” as a virtual laboratory.
The results of the research areas have been tested at the following levels:
- international – 1) observer status was obtained in the international project HORIZON 2020 “ELEXIS” (2018–2022) within the framework of the agreement between IJ/FJ and Josef Stefan Institute (Republic of Slovenia); 2) 4 international scientific and practical conferences, a methodological seminar for teachers of the University of Girona (Kingdom of Spain) and 9 scientific and practical seminars were held (2018–2023); 3) the results of the study were tested at 13 international scientific and practical conferences; 4) 3 international grant applications were submitted: Erasmus Mundus Master in Professional Training for Spokesperson project, 2021; Media Studies in European Dialogue project (620639-EPP-1-2020-1-UA- EPPJMO-PROJECT); Horizon Europe MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowship "The Role of the Media in Cultural Diplomacy and Cooperation", University of Jaén (Kingdom of Spain); 6) participation in international surveys of the research groups "ELEXIS", Josef Stefan Institute, (Republic of Slovenia, 2021) and "Terminologue", Dublin City University, EAFT Summit (Republic of Ireland, 2023);
- all-Ukrainian - 1) the module “Media Education” / “Media Education: European Practices” was developed, 13 training sessions were held; 2) more than 1,000 media products and/or media projects were created, disseminated on social media, introduced into the educational process, and tested; 4) 6 monographs, 6 textbooks, 3 collections of abstracts of scientific and practical conferences, 17 scientific articles indexed in the Scopus and Web of Science databases were published;
- university – 1) monitoring of the level of media information literacy of participants in educational and training sessions was carried out; 3) 10 academic disciplines with a “media studies” component and over 150 disciplines representing the main areas and structural divisions of media studies were developed; 4) 15 technologies for forming the professionalism of media specialists were introduced into academic disciplines; 5) databases were formed and filled - knowledge; bibliographic; terminological; media studies institutions and research media laboratories, media centres; EPP and ESP of the media studies cycle; visual and audio-visual data (presentations, videos about terms); scientific papers and work programs of academic disciplines of lecturers of the Faculty of Journalism, which include terms with a media component; 6) based on competence centres, a system of media practices for creating audio, video and photo products, media texts was developed and implemented in the professional training of applicants for the first (bachelor's) level of higher education in the specialty 061 Journalism.
Further steps in the research and its implementation are as follows:
- Identification of the specifics of the formation of research areas of media studies in Slavic-speaking countries, analysis of media studies periodicals, inventory of media studies institutions, research media centres and media laboratories, EPP and ESP in these countries;
- further implementation of the activities of the media education, media production and media research sectors at Grinchenko University Media Hub project in terms of its implementation in the educational process of the Faculty of Journalism; regular filling of the main sections of the Media Studies Lexicon;
- creation of a separate application for the Lexical Minimum of a Media Specialist or functionality for the existing one, which will allow adding new terms; a mobile application for the developed architecture.
Materials provided by SMC for Research, Scientific Projects and Programs