Joining the European University Association

eua logoFebruary 1, 2013

Our University has become a member of the European University Association (EUA), which speaks to the fact that Kyiv Borys Grinchenko University has been acknowledged at an international level.
On the occasion of joining the Association the Rector of our University has been addressed with a congratulation letter from the President of the European University Association, Prof. Maria Helena Nazaré.  She invited our University to be a part of events and projects organized by the EUA, in order to contribute and influence the European academic society together with other members of the Association. Moreover, Prof. Nazaré noted that membership in the Association is highly beneficial for our University, in particular, due to participation in conferences, seminars, trainings, institutional analyses, as well as those, organized by the EUA through the internet.
Joining the European University Association, we fully support the work priorities, listed in the Prague Declaration for the members of the Association, which are as follows:
•    setting up the European Higher Education Area (areas of science and education);
•    scientific research and innovation;
•    internationalization of higher education and research in higher education institutions;
•    improvement in quality levels of the European higher education institutions;
•    management, autonomy and funding of higher education institutions.
Now, being a member of the European University Association, we have access to information as to events and services through the web-site, and through the EUA e-news. The information involves development, trends and political issues, concerning the European higher education and research.

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