Visit of the Head of Kyiv City State Administration Oleksandr Popov

img 518613b Tymoshenka Street

Head of Kyiv City State Administration Oleksandr Popov paid a visit to Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University.
During his visit Oleksandr Popov had a chance to see the new SMART-center, which enables students and teaching staff to master the modern information and communication technologies.
The SMART study center was opened up in December 2012 and is intended for conducting training sessions, which help get a grip on the new information technologies and enhance qualifications of the teaching staff. The goal of the training sessions is to form practical skills of using modern technologies to increase effectiveness of education process. The SMART-center is equipped with three SMART-boards and fifteen computers.
Oleksandr Pavlovych tested the SMART-board and made sure, that this technology benefits the education process.
The Rector of the University Viktor Ogneviuk demonstrated opportunities of the study and production center “Astudiya”, which consists of three production rooms



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