May 29, 2014
Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University
Our University has a tradition to invite the world famous professors, educators and celebrities for having face-to-face lectures for our academics and students. On May 29, 2014 we had a guest lecture with Roland Dundua, the Deputy Director for relations with foreign partners, Department of Finance of the Academy of European Education (Tbilisi, Georgia).
Roland Dundua is an ex-football player. He played as a forward for a Regional Team Tbilisi (GEO). Roland gave a lot of useful professional advises for our University football team. Especially he paid attention to the questions of management and its importance for the success and teamwork.
The initiators of this lecture were Olga Veselovska, the Head of the International Department and Tetiana Dyba, the Head of the Chair of Physical Education and Sportsmanship.