All international students are supposed to have medical insurance valid in Ukraine for the study period. The health insurance contract guarantees that all basic medical assistance costs and travel expenses which may arise in connection with the return for health reasons will be covered.
Insurance for international students provides:
• Inpatient care (insurance company will pay for treatment in a medical facility, an operation, diagnostic tests, medication, first-aid materials);
• First emergency medical aid (including transportation to the hospital);
• Outpatient care (paid medical services, diagnostic procedures and ongoing health aid).

The procedure for issuing visas to enter Ukraine and transit through its territory is governed by:

  • Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on 22, September 2011 No3773-VI «On legal Status of Foreigners and Stateless Persons».
  • Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on 1, June 2011 No567 «On rules for issuing visas to enter Ukraine and transit through its territory».
  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine on 26, July 2011 No 196 «On approval the instructions for issuing visas to foreigners and stateless persons to enter Ukraine and transit through its territory».

All international students coming to study in Ukraine are required to get a national D visa for multiple entries. The application documents for the D visa should be submitted to the nearest Embassy of Ukraine. The decision on the issue of D visa shall be made within 15 days after the receipt of application.

 Foreign students and students participating in the exchange program, have to obtain a long-term visa.

Documents required for a long-term visa:
1. Properly completed application form.
2. Valid passport.
3. Two photos size 3*4 cm.
4. Document confirming payment of the visa fee.
5. Current health insurance.
6. Original invitation to study or internship.

Residence Permit Procedure
For the registration at the Migration Office the following documents are necessary:
• Completed application
• Valid passport (translated into Ukrainian)
• Photocopy of a valid passport
• Photocopy of visa pages
• Medical insurance card
• Photocopy of Rector’s order of accepting the application for admission to the University as a student (will be prepared by the International Department of Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University).
• Letter of Invitation (will be prepared by the International Department of Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University).
• Four photos (size 3,5*4,5 cm);
• Photocopy of payment bills.

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