Working Visit to Bialystok (Poland)

KM 16835November 14-15, 2014
Bialystok , Poland

Academics from the Chair of Ukrainian Literature, Comparative Studies and Social Communications of Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University had a working visit to Bialystok (Poland) and took an active part in the international scientific events.

Representatives from Poland, Lithuania, Belarus, Great Britain and Ukraine participated in the International Research Conference "Aesthetic Aspects of the Polish, Belarus and Lithuanian Tatars Literature (XVI – XXI centuries)".

Mykola Vaskiv, Doctor in Philology Sciences, professor of Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University was the only one representative from Ukraine and had a report on: "Have a Look at Everything, Understand Everything": Motives and Characters in the Verse of Makhdumqoli Faraghi".
The first day of the Conference was held in the Bialystok Library and City Regional Museum. The next day was dedicated to the Polish and Tatar culture. All the participants visited the town Sokolka (the area has a Tatar minority) and the Tartar Trail which runs through Bohoniki (7 km away from Sokolka). There is the 19th century mosque here and Muslim's cemetery "mizar". The Tartar trail allows observing the traces of a cultural and ethnic mosaic of the eastern lands of the former Rzeczpospolita. Tatar settlements are very common on the Polish, Belarus and Lithuanian lands. Tatars have lost their language but their religion is still the same and joins them no matter where they are. Literature is another phenomenon. It has synthesized the features of an ethnic authenticity with Polish, Lithuanian and Belarus literature traditions.

The Conference was dedicated to the issues of:
- Literature and aesthetic analysis.
- Linguistic peculiarities of the local Tatar literature and religious and family collections of their works.
- History of Diaspora and its relations with the neighbors.
- Development of art.
- Tatar researches in the scientific fields of studies.
- Connections between local Tatar literature with other Turkic languages and literature. Typology.

During the Conference all the participants had an opportunity to establish tight scientific connections with researchers from Poland, Belarus, Lithuania and Great Britain. We are waiting for the new joint research projects.

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