Presentation of the International Youth Fellowship Organization in Ukraine

DSC04301April 20, 2015
Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University
(Kyiv, Ukraine)

On April 20, 2015 the Institute of Society of Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University hosted the representatives from the International Youth Fellowship Organization in Ukraine.

IYF was established in the Southern Korea in 1995. In 2001 it started its work in Ukraine. Annually, IYF organizes camps, festivals, presentations, contests and other events for the youth. Its main task is to open the potential of an individual.

This year our University students have an opportunity to become the participants of the youth World Camp 2015 (April 26-30, Kyiv).

The camp program consists of seminars, concerts of famous musicians, special lectures "Lessons of the Successful Life", festivals, lectures about the spiritual growth of individuals and marathon.

Students were presented the video report about the World Camp 2014 that was held in the Southern Korea.


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