Meeting with the Member of the European Parliament

photo 7May 6, 2015
Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University
Kyiv, Ukraine

On May 6, 2015 our University academics and students had a meeting with Terry Reintke, Member of the European Parliament and Member of the Group of the Greens/European Free Alliance.

Terry Reinke had a presentation about "Youth and European Community". Students were interested in the questions connected with the further development and reformation of Ukraine and an implementation of the initiatives. Terry Reinke asked about their attitude to the Euromaidan. Our students were the participants of all the events connected with the struggle for the European and democratic values. Our students noted that all the events of the previous year are very important for the future of our country although we still have a lot of troubles. Reinke thinks that this dialogue with students is an invaluable experience. It shows the situation in the country from inside.

The next point was connected with the green initiatives in the country. This sphere is very important for her, because Reinke is the representative of the Green Party in the European Parliament.

Students have pointed out that our country feels an urgent need in the new sources of energy. For example, coal plants emit the great number of harmful wastes into the air. Terry Reinke tries to implement different projects that use energy from sun or air forces.

At the end of the meeting honorable guest and students had a friendly talk about hobbies and interests.

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