Training on 3-D printers in company Fabbers

preview 3d printers

June 24, 2015
Company Fabbers
Kyiv, Ukraine





In the framework of the international project TEMPUS-DesIRE “ Development of Embedded System Courses with implementation of Innovative Virtual approaches for integration of Research, Education and Production in Ukraine, Georgia, Armenia”, 544091-TEMPUS-1-2013-1-BE-TEMPUS-JPCR, whose member is Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, our institution has received equipment for the Laboratory of embedded systems, such as 3D-printer and 3D-scanner.

On 25-th June 2015 scientific-pedagogical staff of Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University: Liliya Varchenko-Trocenko, junior scientific colleague of the Scientific-research Laboratory of Informatization, Mariya Gladun, the representative of Cyclic Commission of Math’s disciplines, Lecturer of Chair of computer science Spivak S.V. and Methodist of the Center of Webometrics and information systems Stepura I.S. took part in training course on 3-D printers in the company Fabbers.






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