The meeting of the participants of IRNet international project with the representatives of Council of Young Scientists and Students’ Scientific Community of the University


11 September, 2015
Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University
Kyiv, Ukraine





On 11th September 2015 was held the meeting with the participants of IRNet (International Research Network for study and development of new tools and methods for advanced pedagogical science in the field of ICT instruments, e-learning and intercultural competences) project and the representatives of Council of Young Scientists and Students’ Scientific Community of Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University.

The next questions were discussed during the meeting: what advantages the universities which are participants of the given project will get from the participation in it; what qualities are necessary for the young scientists in order to become successful in European educational environment. The participants of the meeting discussed as well particularities of young scientists’ work and students’ self-administration in the countries of EU and Ukraine. The guests from Poland, Slovakia and Czech Republic agreed to share experience gained from the participation in diverse projects. When answering the questions about possible variants for cooperation they gave practical advices about how to realize himself/herself and his/her potential in the framework of scientific programs.

The representatives of the Council of Young Scientists and of Students’ Scientific Community of the University expressed their gratitude to Professor Nataliya Morze, Vice-rector on Informational Technologies, Doctor of Pedagogical Studies, for organization of the meeting.



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