The meeting of representatives of the US Embassy and trainers of international organization Co-Serve at the University


 October 28, 2015

Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University


 On October 28, 2015 at Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University with the participation of the Rector, Prof. Viktor Ogneviuk the meeting of representatives of the US Embassy took place, ​​namely: Catherine Hallock, Deputy Cultural Attache, Vera Ternovska, Academic Affairs Specialist and coaches of international organization Co-Serve David and Lynne Macnamee.

David and Lynne Macnamee presented to representatives of the US Embassy project on servant leadership from the international organization Co-Serve, with an aim of its further spread throughout Ukraine.

Thanks to our University the project to implement servant leadership in schools and institutes of Ukraine is gaining momentum. The project aims primarily to create a new philosophy of thinking of the younger generation and help them in future professional life, and for teaching staff to increase their professional qualifications in accordance with the requirements of modern times.

Participants discussed future collaboration opportunities and possibilities to strengthen cooperation in order to make a project on the servant leadership more significant in Ukraine.



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