November 11, 2015
m. Kyiv, str. M. Tymoshenko, 13-B
On November 11, 2015 in Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University with the assistance of the US Embassy a lecture by a famous scientist, Ph.D., Vice President of the American Research Institute, author of several books on quality assurance Mark Schneider was held.
Mr. Schneider noted in its report that new initiatives and claims arising in the US and abroad, due to the internationalization of higher education require a response. Formation of a quality assurance system based on common standards and guidelines, shows that there is a real American dimension in quality assurance, which should increase the attractiveness of the higher education space.
The experience and scientist thought this level is invaluable for Ukrainian society, especially in times when education is reforming, and Ukraine is confidently striding into the European Union.
We sincerely thank Mr. Mark Schneider for the interesting lecture, and the United States Embassy for providing the opportunity to listen to a well-known expert in the field of education.