Lecture on Academic Integrity of Counselor of Public Affairs of the USA Embassy Conrad Turner

DSC05377  25 March 2016

 Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University



On March, 25 a lecture on academic integrity of the Counselor of Public Affairs of the USA Embassy Conrad Turner at the Grinchenko University took place. February 24, 2016 in Ukraine launched a project promoting academic integrity of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and the Embassy of the United States of America, which aims to build within universities a new relationship that will be based on the principles of integrity, mutual trust, respect and responsibility for ensuring high quality of education.

The event was also attended by RaeJean Stokes, Assistant Culture Affairs Officer of the Embassy of the United States of America, Vira Ternovska, an expert on education of US Embassy and Taras Tymochko, Project Coordinator, who promotes academic integrity in Ukraine.

We thank the USA Embassy, Mr. Conrad Turner and other participants of the meeting for implementation in Ukraine extremely important for educational environment projects!


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