Grinchenko University signed the Agreement for International Cooperation with Seton Hall University in South Orange, New Jersey, USA.

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Seton Hall University is a private Roman Catholic University. It is the oldest Diocesan University in the United States. It was founded in 1856 and was named in honor of Ana Elizabeth Seton, who was engaged in educational and charitable activities and was the first of two natives of the United States whom the Catholic Church declared Holy and canonized in 1975. Ana Elizabeth Seton is esteemed as the patron of Catholic Schools.

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Today Seton Hall University consists of eleventh High Schools and Colleges, which educate 5,800 students in bachelor, and 4,400 students in master's degree. Seton Hall University has 860 employees. Seton Hall University took 123 place in the ranking of the Best National Universities in the USA in 2016.

Our partnership is carried out in the research and international activities. We sincerely hope to implement jointly many interesting educational projects!

The initiators of signing of the Agreement for International Cooperation were from American side professor James K. Daly from College of Education and Human Services of Seton Hall University and from Ukrainian side associate professor Olga Tarasenko from the History of Ukraine Department of Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University.

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St. Ann Elizabeth Seton sculpture is in front of the School of Business of Seton Hall University. On the red bricks below are written the surnames of donors who gave and give charitable contributions on the development of Seton Hall University.

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