Academic staff of Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University participated in the program of British Council in Ukraine for international departments

27-28 September 2016

British Council

British Council in Ukraine supported by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine organized a program for managers and employees of the International Departments of Ukrainian universities "International Office of the University: the best practices".

The program is aimed at professional development and capacity building of staff of International Departments of Ukrainian Universities and consists of two modules. Trainers of the program were heads of International Offices of UK Universities (Warwick and Coventry).

The program content:

Module 1 (September 2016)

  • Role of International Relations, duties, functions, structure, recruitment, integration and cooperation with other departments.
  • The development and implementation of international strategy for the department of international relations.
  • Positioning the university - communication and marketing strategies, branding, organizations and mechanisms of relationships.
  • The development of the university website and the effective use of social networks

Module 2 (February 2017)

  • Optimization support international students: introduction, exchange, integration among students in the country.
  • Developing international partnerships and collaboration in research.
  • Fundraising and fund management: national, international (Erasmus +, Horizon 2020), corporate, charity.

Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University represents the Head of Scientific Research Laboratory of Internationalization of Higher Education Olha Vyhovska.

We are grateful to the British Council in Ukraine for the opportunity to participate in the program and look forward to future cooperation!


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