The Declaration of academic integrity was approved at Grinchenko University

09 30 zatv deklaratsii dobrochest 01

30 September, 2016

Grinchenko University

On 30th September the Conference of the labor collective of the University approved the Declaration of academic integrity Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, which previously had undergone extensive discussion at the meeting of the teams and all structural units had been approved by the Academic Council of the University. To the process of discussion and correction of the text of the Declaration actively joined the Student Parliament and the scientific community of students, graduate students, doctoral students and young scientists of the University.

Declaration of academic integrity of the University is part of the Code of Corporate Culture University. At the conclusion of the text of the Declaration was taken into account the experience of leading foreign universities in the field of academic ethics, where academic integrity is defined as respect for moral and legal standards of conduct, requirements for professional and scientific activities of employees of educational and research activities of doctoral students, graduate students in an academic environment the implementation of scientific, educational, innovation and creativity to ensure a high level of confidence in the results of the educational process, scientific and artistic achievements.

The purpose of the Declaration of academic integrity of the University is determining and establishing the main priorities of the principles and values ​​of the internal quality assurance and research, following which the representatives of the community the University is a prerequisite for creating an enabling environment for study and work, the pursuit of truth, knowledge, innovation, intellectual development students and staff support the special relationship in accordance with the corporate culture of the University, to prevent any acts of unfair conduct and violation of academic integrity.

Declaration of academic integrity of the University regulates quality and ethical requirements of staff, students, doctoral students, graduate students at two main areas of the University - education (educational activity doctoral students, graduate students, teaching activities of scientific and pedagogical and teaching staff) and science (degree, master's degree work, research projects, research activities, publication of research results), as well as interpersonal communication.

In his professional and educational activities of the academic community of the University is guided by the principles of honesty and decency, mutual trust, fairness, accountability, mutual respect and the principle of leadership. Signing scientific, research and pedagogical staff, students, doctoral graduate of the University of the Declaration of academic integrity is the next important step in establishing high ethical standards and integrity in the academic community of the University, a matter of honor each member of the University community.


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