The working meetings of scientists within the project «IRNet» at the University of Silesia (Poland)

zustrich irnet silezkyj universytet 5

5-8 October, 2016

University of Silesia

Scientists of Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University - members of the international research project team IRNet 7th Framework Program of the European Commission for Science and Education (vice-rector on Informational Technologies, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member of National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine – Nataliia Morze; Doctor of Philological Sciences, Docent – Rusudan Mahachishvili, PhD of Philosophy, Senior teacher – Anna Pavlova) took part in the open ceremony of the new academic year at the University of Silesia. Honoring ceremony was hold according to the old European tradition of academic culture, all freshmen took an oath of academic dignity and integrity in Latin.

During 5.10 - 8.10.2016 was hold meetings of researchers Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University with Rector of the University of Silesia, Poland – doctor, professor Andrzej Kowalski, and Vice-rector of national and international scientific relations – doctor, professor Tomash Pyetrzhykovsky, representatives of International exchanges office and Department of scientific-research projects.

During the meeting was presented our University as a dynamic center of a wide range of humanities and applied sciences. It is noted that scientific and practical results within the complex research activities of the framework of the project of the European Commission «International research network for the study and development of new technologies and techniques for innovative pedagogy in ICT, e-learning and intercultural competences (IRNet)», is an integral part of the wider context of building a network of international scientific and educational ties, which involved Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University and the University of Silesia, that included:

  • Programs of academic mobility of students and teachers of European universities Erasmus +.
  • Establishing an international master program "Manager of e-learning in the intercultural environment" within the framework the highly educational projects Erasmus Mundus (KA2).
  • Continuation of project developments IRNet by introducing different types of joint projects within 8th framework program of the European Commission in the fields of education with the use of robotics, corporate training, social technologies in education, applied aspects of Humanitarian Studies (digital humanities, etc.).
  • Publication of international scientific periodicals "Open educational environment is modern university" (index Erih Plus), “International Journal of e-learning research."
  • Organization and holding of joint international conferences and discussions of an open educational e-environment, modern approaches and principles of assessing the quality of education, e-learning.
  • joint international researches and development of Mass Open Online Courses

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