EU Erasmus+ project (Jean Monet) "University autonomy in the development of democratic values in higher education: the experience of EU countries for Ukraine"

The goal of the project is to provide theoretical and practical training for future PhDs regarding the implementation of university autonomy in Ukraine, taking into account the experience of EU countries. The implementation of the project involves conducting training sessions dedicated to the goals and values of the EU, the principles of democratic governance in society; normative provision of university autonomy; the role of university autonomy in the processes of sustainable development of civil society, the formation of socially active and responsible citizens, ensuring the quality of higher education; experience of the best policies and practices of EU countries regarding the implementation of the principles and components of university autonomy.

Project implementation period: 01.09.2022 – 31.08.2025.

Project coordinator: Olena Protsenko, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor

Participants: Sysoieva S.O., Mospan N.V., Kostiuk T.O., Bulvinska O.I., Kalinicheva G.I.

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