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September 2018 - January 2019
Polonijna Academia in Czestochowa (Poland)

Within the framework of the Agreement on International Cooperation with Polonijna Academia in Czestochowa, two students of the 4th year, the specialty "Finance and Credit" (Faculty of Information Technologies and Management), Olena Koniukhova-Dobrynia and Mariia Khyzhniak are doing the autumn semester of training in the IHE-partner.
Under the academic mobility program, our students took part in the ceremony of the beginning of 2018/2019 academic year. The ceremony was visited by the delegation from Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University and included Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs O. Zhyltsov and Dean of the Faculty of Information Technologies and Management A. Mikhatska
We are sincerely grateful to our partners for cooperation, and wish our students inspiration and good academic results! 


October 31, 2018
Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University
On October 31, 2018, a meeting with the Doctor of Sciences, Associate Professor Vuokko Kohtamäki (Higher Education Research Group, Faculty of Management at the University of Tampere, Finland) was held on the basis of the Research Laboratory of Educology at Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University. The guests were greeted by N. Vinnikova, Doctor of Sciences in Philology, Associate Professor, Vice-Rector for Research at Boryis Grinchenko Kyiv University. S. Sysoieva, Doctor of Sciences in Pedagogy, Professor, Academician of National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine was a moderator of the event.

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