
8-9 November, 2018
Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University
Within the framework of the International Information Week of the European Union Programme Erasmus +, four events took place at Grinchenko University: "The Day of Jean Monnet Project Winners: how to implement the project successfully ", "Jean Monnet Innovations Day 2019," "Find a Grant for Yourself: Exchanges, Training, Teaching, In-service Training, Research and Volunteering "and" Mobility Projects for Organizations: Preparation and Implementation ".

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November 5, 2018
Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University

 On November 5, 2018, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, being supported by Public Affairs Section of the U.S. Embassy in Ukraine, hosted a meeting of Grinchenko University’s students and professors (Institute of Human Sciences, University College, Pedagogical Institute, Institute of Arts) with Vilma E. Fuentes, PhD, Assistant VP for Academic Affairs, College of Santa Fe (USA) and Dug Jones, Associate Vice President, Economic Development, College of Santa-Fe (USA).

The participants were greeted by Vira Ternovska, a representative of the U.S. Embassy in Ukraine, and Nataliia Vinnikova, Vice-Rector for Research at Grinchenko University.
During the meeting, Vilma E. Fuentes and Dug Jones delivered a guest lecture that gave coverage to the history of reforming education system in the United States in the context of introducing inclusion and equal access to education. The participants discussed topical issues for Ukraine, related to implementation of inclusive education.


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