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October 21st, 2016 Center of Leadership Programs conducted training day on request of the Student Council of the Faculty of Law and International Relations.

The training program was very intense and interesting. In particular, participants of the training discussed and developed skills in the following topics:

1.The importance of values in life.

2.Motivation of activities.

3. TimeManagement.


5. Respect.

Due to this training, members of Student Council had an opportunity to become better acquainted with one another, develop the skills of cooperation in the team, learn about the features of different roles in the team and define its future strategy.

The trainers were Olena Bondareva and Maria Cherpak from the Center of Leadership Programs.

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October 27, 2016 at the session of the Academic Council of the University was signed the Declaration of academic integrity and the Code of Corporate Culture of the University. The members of the Scientific Council were the first among the pedagogical staff of the University, who witnessed handwritten signature supported ideas of profess principles and obligations set forth in the Declarations.

At the session of the Academic Council was made a decision to December 1st, sign declarations in all university departments. Signing by all the scientific, pedagogical staff, students and doctoral students the Declaration of academic integrity and the Declaration on compliance with the Code of Corporate Culture University will be the next important step in establishing high ethical standards and integrity in the academic community of the University.


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