12 02 evro tsinnosti 06

December 2, 2016

Bulvarno-Kudriavska, 18/2

December 2, 2016 the Round table "European values as a factor of social transformation: experience of Poland and Ukraine" was held at Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University.

Viktor Ogneviuk, Rector of Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Professor, Academician of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, addressed the guests with a welcome speech, in which he noted the symbolism of the day the Round table was held. Exactly on 2 December, 1991 Poland became the first country to recognize the Independence of Ukraine. The participants of the Round table were welcome by Henryk Sobchuk, Director of the Representative Office of Polish Academy of Sciences in Kyiv. In the speech he stressed the importance of the theme of the event for the development of cooperation in scientific and state formative spheres between Ukraine and Poland.

In the framework of the Round table the presentation of Ukrainian translation of the book “Democracy of periphery” by Zdzislaw Krasnodebski, Deputy of European Parliament of VIII convocation, famous Polish scientist, political philosopher, Professor was held. The translation of the book was made by Ukrainian scientists: Yaroslav Pasko, Hennadiy Korzhov and Oksana Byelyakova.

Professor Ryshard Legutko, Deputy of European Parliament of VIII convocation, Professor of Jagiellonian University, Polish politician, philosopher presented the paper “Democracy and totalitarian temptations”.

During the discussion the participants of the Round table analyzed the Ukrainian progress in its way towards eurointegration, debated about values as a factor of social transformations, identified the challenges, risks, and threats of development of European society. Guests from Poland and Ukrainian scientists agreed that exchange of such an experience will ensure the acceleration of implementation of European values and development of unique ways of modernization.



Meeting with the representatives of University of Cadiz (Spain)

25-th of November

Bulvarno-Kudriavska, 18/2

On 25-th of November was the meeting between the General Director of International Relations of University of Cadiz (Spain) Juan Carlos Garcia Galindo with students of our University who were selected by the University’s committee for the program of academic mobility Erasmus K107.

Mr. Juan Carlos University presented out students Cadiz University, told with the details of participation in the Erasmus + program and provided many useful suggestions.

Grinchenko University within the framework of academic mobility program will represent:

  • Chupryhina Alona
  • Tetiana Kotova
  • Muzalevska Anna
  • Skurihina Alona
  • Bronitska Kateryna

We congratulate our students and wish them success in their studies!


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