January 19, 2017
Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University


January 19, 2017, was hold an official meeting Rector of Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Full Member of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine – Viktor Ogneviuk with attaché of the university and scientific relations of the Embassy of France in Ukraine – Sylvain Rihole and coordinator of Campus France Ukraine – Olga Dorosh.

Participants discussed the future cooperation between the Embassy of France in Ukraine and the Grinchenko University in the context of the preparation and training of teachers of French, as well as the cooperation of the University with French universities for joint research projects and participation in the Erasmus + program, including academic mobility of students and teachers.


December 2016
Germany, Poland


During December 2016, workers of SRL of internationalization of higher education Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University had internships at prestigious European universities.

Olena Humeniuk had scientific internship in Germany according to the scholarship of German-Ukrainian Commission of Historians. She worked at the project “Ukrainian student’s movement in the interwar Germany”. During a month Olena Humeniuk researched materials of archives and library of Ukrainian Free University in Munich, but also of Bavarian and Berlin state libraries. Also Olena Humeniuk negotiated about collaboration between Ukrainian Free University and Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University. 30 th November 2016, Olena Humeniuk presented with open lecture “Statehood traditions of Ukrainian emigration in XX century” for pedagogical staff and students of Ukrainian Free University and Ukrainian community in Munich.

Tetiana Opryshko got scholarship of the Faculty “Artes Liberales” Warsaw University (Poland). The topic of her research was the role of library in the process of development of modern higher institutions: based on the Warsaw University experience. Second part of research was connected with investigation the work of editorial boards of scientific publications that are indexed international scientometric databases Scopus and Web of Science and promoting them at international level. It was also agreed with the representative of Warsaw University Library for inclusion in the collection of their funds 5 most prestigious publications of University Grinchenko.

In general, internships at foreign universities enable for creation new ideas and approaches for the development of our University and must be implemented in practice.

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