
21 March, 2017

Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University


Within the framework of the International Francophonie week Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University visited the First Secretary Embassy of Belgium in Ukraine Jean de Lannoy and shared with the students of the Institute of Philology and the Faculty of Law and International Relations thoughts abut "Belgium – Ukraine: dialogue of cultures".

Students and teachers of our University got a unique opportunity to speak French, learn about the Belgians, their habits and lifestyle, the official languages of Belgium, stay Belgians in Ukraine, discuss the problems of young Belgians in the context of higher education and employment and the prospects of Belgian-Ukrainian cultural and educational dialogue.

Nataliia Vinnikova, Vice-Rector for Research, introduced guests and pointed out on the importance of scientific cooperation and academic exchange between the two countries.

The event was initiated by the department of Romance Philology and Comparative-typological Linguistics Institute of Philology, supported by SRL of Internationalization of higher education.



17 March, 2017

Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University

On 17th March, students of the Institute of Philology attended guest lecture "Implementation of modern world experience teaching foreign languages for specific purposes in higher educational institutions of Ukraine" by Katherine Woddell, lecturer of the chair of Methodology of teaching foreign languages for specific purposes Thompson Rivers University, Canada.

For over 15 years of teaching ESP (English for Special Purposes) Katherine Woddell developed and implemented in training specialized programs studying English for such disciplines as: education, social work, psychology and others. This year, she visited Kyiv at the Third Annual International Forum Language Teachers FLT Forum 2017, on March 15-16.

Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University students got a unique opportunity to listen a lecture by Mrs. Woddell about techniques and peculiarities of teaching English as a foreign language for specific purposes, held with the support representative “Alec” company – Oleg Babenko and joint efforts of SRL of internationalization of higher education and the Institute of Philology.

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