
5 April 2017

Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University

SRL of internationalization of higher education and School of project management of Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University organized seminar for pedagogical staff, PhD and doctoral students of the University devoted to actual problem of searching grant programs for research and internships.

At the seminar werecoordinators of popular international programs and organizations: Nikolai Ushakov, coordinator of "Marie Curie Actions for developing skills, training and career" at national contact points in Horizon 2020 in Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv; Inna Barysh, deputy director of the Fulbright Program in Ukraine, coordinator of the exchange program for young scientists and students; Oksana Lando, scholarship programs coordinator Campus France Ukraine. Also, scientific workers of SRL of internationalization of higher education (Olena Humeniuk and Yuliya Korgunyk) prepared presentations about grant opportunities for different specialties. The event was supported by the Vice-Rector on Science Nataliia Vinnikova, who also moderated the workshop.

We are grateful to all colleagues who attended the seminar and wish to all inspiration in writing the individual and collective grant applications!

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4 April 2017

Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University

On 4th April 2017 Eighth International teleconference was held via Skype between master students in history of Seton Hall University, New Jersey, USA (supervisor Professor Daly D.K.) and master students in history of the Faculty of History and Philosophy Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University (supervisor Associate Professor Tarasenko O.O.).

Eighth International teleconference was devoted to Ukrainian historians’ report on the implementation of their part of USA-Ukrainian scientific-research project "Research on the history of Ukrainian diaspora in the example of New Jersey state through digital technologies in the humanities".

Ukrainian team of historians, consisted of master students Ivan Glaz and Daria Olejnik and supervisor of the project from Ukraine, PhD in History, associate professor of the Chair of the History of Ukraine Olga Tarasenko reported the results of the study Ukrainian and English.

In aconducted project Ukrainian team revealed kinds of Ukrainian migration and concluded that prevails in Ukraine external migration, revealed the historical reasons for migration of Ukrainians as well as internal and external factors of Ukrainian migration; pointed out the factors that lead to the formation of the Diaspora; found a difference between the concepts of "emigration" and "diaspora" and different interpretation of the concept of "Ukrainian Diaspora" and illustrated its division into western and eastern and its four waves.

The logical culmination of the project was the study activity of 60 Ukrainian-American organizations established by Ukrainian diaspora during the four waves in the state of New Jersey.

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