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12 May, 2017

Kyiv, 18/2, Bulvarno-Kudriavska St.

In the framework of the joint Ukrainian-Finnish cooperation in the implementation of the project of the New Ukrainian School at Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University was held a working meeting with experts from Finland.

The meeting was attended by Viktor Ogneviuk, Rector of the University; Oleksii Zhyltsov, Vice-Rector on Academic Affairs; Kirsi Lindroos, educational expert, a specialist in the development of education, director of the International Department of the Ministry of Education and Culture of Finland; Raisa Venäläinen, education expert, teacher of lifelong education, specialist on policy of international cooperation; Lyudmila Khoruzha, Head of Chair of Education of Pedagogical Institute; Valentyna Jakuba, Head of Chair of English Philology and Translation of Institute of Philology; Olha Vyhovska, Head of SRL of internationalization of higher education; Gennadiy Bondarenko, assistant professor Chair of Elementary Education of Pedagogical Institute; Serhiy Shkapko, an employee of the International Cooperation and European Integration Departmnet of Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.

During the working meeting were discussed the main components of the future model of teacher training, which will be presented to the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine for inclusion in the draft strategy of New Ukrainian School and will be approved by the Ministry of Education and Culture of Finland to obtain future financial support for the project.


28 April, 2017
Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University

On April 28th director of European programs of the American Studies “The Fund for the American Studies” (USA), member of the board of trustees of Anglo-American University in Prague, the founder of the Lviv Academy of Leadership, a member of the Board of Directors “Free Ukraine” Matthew Kwasiborski had an open lecture for students and pedagogical stuff of Faculty of Law and International Relations and the Institute of Philology of Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University on “President Trump and Leadership: What We Have Learned in the Early Days of His Administration”.
The event was organized by the Faculty of Law and International Relations, Chair of Romance Philology and Comparative-typological Linguistics Institute of Philology, SRL of internationalization of higher education.


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