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April 24, 2017

Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University

On April 24th, 2017 in Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University was held a round table "Youth, peace and security" (resolution №2250 United Nations Security Council), which was co-organized by NGO "Federation of Women for Peace in the world".

The event started with a musical greeting – the song "Red Cranberry". Greeted the participants Vice-Rector on Science of Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University – Nataliia Vinnikova, Vice-Rector on Social and Humanitarian Affairs – Taisiia Belofastova and Head of public organization "Federation of Women for Peace in the world" – Tetiana Koceba.

During the round table were presented the next speeches: Ludmila Porohniak-Hanovska, Head of the National Council of Women of Ukraine, MD, professor, who revealed meaning of №2250 resolution United Nations Security Council for the youth movement in Ukraine. Moriko Hori, president of Federation of Women for Peace in the world of Japan, who told about youth organizations in Japan; Ruslan Kutsyk, Head of the Scientific Society of students, doctoral students and young scientists Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, who outlined the main trends of youth policy in Ukraine and others.The round tablealso participated Minako Sugita, International Chief Director of the joint association of the Federation of women for peace throughout the world Saitama Prefecture; Omori Nobuko, Deputy Director of the Cultural Center "San" Japan, Head of the charity foundation "One thousand cranes".

We thank all the participants of the event for active debates and fruitful discussions. One of the practical results of the round table was the initiative of the Scientific Society of students, doctoral students and young scientists of Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University on translation Ukrainian of resolution №2250 "Youth, Peace and Security" United Nations Security Council.


25 March to 9 April 2017

Oberhof (Germany)

Alona Popova had a two-weeks training "Refugees in the European network" supported by the European Erasmus+ programme in Oberhof (Germany) from 25 March to 9 April 2017. Alona is the Head of the Scientific Society of Students, doctoral students and young scientists of the Institute of Human Sciences of Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University.

The project was organized in the form of two weeks of union initiatives and ideas of young people from four countries: Germany, Romania, Belarus and Ukraine.
During the training, Alona studied the system of government and non-government organizations of refugees and the experience of United Europe on migration.

She held a series of workshops on social and educational support refugees and migrants, stressing the importance of youth resource in the system work with refugees and migrants in Europe. In addition, the evening training session Alona Popova devoted to building a positive approach to life for young people coping with migration in the modern society.


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