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April 29 - May 30, 2017
Ostrava, Czech Republic

In the period from April 29 - May 30, 2017 scientists of Grinchenk University participated in the international study group project IRNet (International Research Network for study and development of new tools and methods for advanced pedagogical science in the field of ICT instruments, e-learning and intercultural competences) 7th framework program of the European Commission for Science and education were in Ostrava University, Ostrava (http://www.osu.cz), Czech Republic.
A team of researchers including: Natalia Morse, Doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor, corresponding member of NAPS of Ukraine, Vice-rector of informatization of educational-scientific and administrative activity; Rusudan Mahachashvili, Doctor of philological sciences, Associate Professor, Head of Chair of Romance Philology and comparative typological linguistics, Iryna Vorotnykova, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Chair of natural methodologies and mathematics education and technology of Institute of Postgraduate education; Tetiana Lyakh, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Chair if social education and social Work and Deputy Director of the Institute of Human Sciences.
During the meeting with the the International Department of the University was changed format of the bilateral agreement on scientific and academic cooperation between the University of Ostrava and Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University.
Directions of partnership involving cooperation in following formats:
• Launch international program of master specialization "eLearning Manager" (with the assistance of the University of Silesia, Poland)
• involvement of students and academic staff of Grinchenko University in the program of academic mobility Erasmus + (areas: social and human sciences, information and communication technologies in education, social work, social pedagogy, European studies, intercultural communication).


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May 22, 2017
Warsaw University (Poland)

May 22, 2017 at Warsaw University hosted a ceremony of awarding the Ivan Vyhovskyi prize that takes place under the patronage of Polish President and has the task of celebration of the achievements of the citizens of Ukraine in the development of science and culture, the development of civil society, defending democratic values and European vector of Ukraine.
Awards’ winner Ivan Vyhovskyi in 2017 became Professor Igor Sribniak, Head of Chair of World History of History and Philosophy Faculty of Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University. His scientific training will last one year, in which the winner must visit 6 Polish universities, reads lectures and present the results of his scientific research to Polish teachers and students.

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