09 15 lekciia sheremeta 10

15 September 2017

Roman Sheremeta, Doctor of Philosophy in Economics, Professor of Weatherhead School of Management of Case Western Reserve University (USA) presented an open lecture "Factors of Economic Development" at Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University. In his presentation Mr. Sheremeta showed the role of value-based outlook and education for the economy.
During the meeting the presentation of the book ‘Reformation. Success of Europe and a chance for Ukraine’ (edt. by Roman Sheremeta and Olga Romanenko) took place. The book was written by the scientists of 5 countries of the world. The cause-effect relations between the Reformation and further economic and scientific development of European countries is analyzed in it.
During the discussion George Roller, Doctor of Jurisprudence, Professor, Director of the D. James Kennedy Center for Christian Statesmanship; Olga Romanenko, PhD in Economics, member of the Council of Young Scientists at the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine; Oleg Sheremeta, PhD in Medical Sciences shared their experience and ideas.



III International Scientific-Practical Conference "Open Educational E-Environment of the Modern University"

8 September, 2017, III International Scientific-Practical Conference "Open Educational E-Environment of the Modern University" took place at Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University. 136 educators from five countries took part in it, namely from Ukraine, Poland, Slovakia, Portugal, Spain. The participants of the Conference, traditionally, were teachers, students, professors and scientists.

The Conference was held as the part of ‘International research network for study and development of new tool and methods for advanced pedagogical science in the field of ICT instruments, e-learning and intercultural competences (IRNet)’ project.

Nataliya Morse, Vice-Rector on Informational Technologies at Borys Grichenko Kyiv University, IRNet Project Coordinator at our University, invited Eugeniya Smirnova-Trybulska, IRNet Project Coordinator at the University of Silesia (Poland), Sexto Cuba Delgado, Professor of University of Extremadura (Spain), Paulo Pinto, Professor of University of Lusíada (Portugal), Martina Drlik, Associate Professor of the University of Constantine the Philosopher in Nitra (Slovakia) and Volodymyr Kukharenko, Associate Professor of National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute" (Ukraine) to take part in discussion panel ‘Open education – myth or reality? Trends in today’s education’.

The participants of the Conference listened to and discussed the presentations of 42 colleagues, who presented in the following sections.

  • E-university: technologies and tools for development.
  • Blended learning as a technology of access to quality education.
  • Formation of an open educational e-environment of a higher educational institution.
  • Formation of ICT competencies of students, teachers and professors.
  • Usage of ICT in Economics and Management.


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