On October 6, 2017, the Ukrainian-Polish-American round-table discussion "Modern Education in the Context of the Public Space Globalization: Challenges, Problems, Prospects"   was held at the Pedagogical Institute of Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University with the participation of professors from the Silesian University (Polish Republic ) Editi Vydavska, Eva Vysotska and Lisa M. Blank, professor of the University of Montana (USA), participant of the Fulbright Exchange Program. The participants of the event were the scientific,   research and educational staff, students of Master degree in “Preschool Education”, “Primary Education” and “Pedagogy of Higher School” specialties. The purpose of round-table   discussion was the establishment of cooperation, exchange of the professional experience, coverage of the state and prospects of the development of science and education of   the mentioned countries. The urgent issues pointed out at the discussion are the specifics of the teacher training for the pre-school and primary education sectors in the United States, the inclusive education in Poland, the problem of the relationship between the state-school-parents in the global dimension, etc. In the course of the round-table discussion, there was a productive dialogue between representatives of education in Ukraine, Poland, and the USA. The round-table discussion was initiated by the Director of the Pedagogical Institute O. Kotenko, Head of the Theory and History of Pedagogy Department L. Khoruzha, Head of the Foreign Languages and  ethodology Department N.Kosharna.

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18 September 2017 International Conference "Communication in the XXI Century: Security Dimension" was held at Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University. During the event, scientists and practitioners from Ukraine and Poland discussed the future of communication in the XXI century.

"Today’s society is not ready for that level of communication that the information technologies provide us," stated Viktor Ogneviuk, Rector of Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, when welcoming the participants of the International Conference “Communication in the XXI Century: Security Dimension” on 18 September 2017.

He also drew attention to the fact that the state has not yet developed appropriate communication with civil society, communication that would meet the interests both of a state and its citizens. Exactly on this issue scientific societies and universities must work on.

Tadeusz Wallas, Professor, Head of the Chair of Political Culture at the Faculty of Political Sciences and Journalism, Vice-Rector of Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań determined in his report the place of Sciences about Communication in the classification of scientific disciplines. To his mind, Communication is young, but independent branch of knowledge.

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