06 23 forum rectoriv 01

June 23, 2017
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv

On June 23, 2017, the Second Forum of Rectors of Ukrainian and Chinese Universities took place on the basis of the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. The forum was attended by 37 representatives of the universities of the People's Republic of China and 26 rectors of higher education in Ukraine, including the rector of the Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, doctor of philosophy, professor and academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Victor Ogneviuk.
Simultaneously with the Forum, the second meeting of the Ukrainian-Chinese Sub-Commission on Cooperation in Education with the Commission on Cooperation between Ukraine and the People's Republic of China was held, co-chairmen - Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine Lilia Grynevych and Minister of Education of the People's Republic of China Chen Baoshen.
The forum was devoted to the actual issues of development of bilateral relations in the field of education between the two countries and summing up the results since the first Forum in 2012. The reports of the rectors of both countries have shown that for five years the Ukrainian-Chinese relations have strengthened, especially in the field of education and science. In particular, the academic mobility of students and teachers increased, scientific cooperation between the universities of the PRC and Ukraine strengthened; the sphere of teaching Ukrainian and Chinese languages in the partner countries has developed.
The second part of the Forum was devoted to the official signing of cooperation agreements between higher educational institutions of Ukraine and the People's Republic of China. Rector of the Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University Victor Ogneviuk and the rector of the Zhejiang Pedagogical University Iang Guojun signed an agreement that renewed cooperation between the two universities in academic mobility, the study of Ukrainian and Chinese languages, and the implementation of joint research. After that, the official delegation of the Zhejiang Pedagogical University, headed by the rector, visited the Grinchenko University.
Thanks to our partner - Zhejiang Pedagogical University - for the opportunity of cooperation!



June 3, 2017
Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University

June 3, 2017 in Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University hosted a reception of official delegation from the city of Kyoto (Japan) headed by Mayor Daisaku Kadokawa. The event was held within the Year of Japan in Ukraine and the Days of Kyoto in Kiev.
Among the members of the official delegation from Japan consisting of 37 persons were present: Mayor of Kyoto - Daisaku Kadokawa; Chairman of Kyoto City Assembly - Kazuhiro Terada; Head of the International Department of Kyoto City Assembly - Keiji Maki and others. To the event joined by representatives of the Embassy of Japan in Ukraine, in particular, Minister Counselor of Embassy of Japan in Ukraine - Michio Harada; Secretary of Culture of Embassy of Japan in Ukraine - Hoshino Yuichi.
The reception began with the landing of Sakura - symbol of Japan and Japanese culture – be Mayor Daisaku Kadokawa and rector of Grinchenko University Victor Ogneviuk in the courtyard of educational building №1 (st. Marshal Timoshenko, 13B).
After that a solemn meeting of the Academic Council began where the mayor spoke Kyoto "Kyoto - a city of world culture: the power of culture for peace in the world." During his speech Daisaku Kadokawa detailed about long-term relationship between Ukraine and Japan, especially emphasizing the friendly relations between Kyiv and Kyoto.
At the end of the event Rector Viktor Ogneviuk presented Kyoto Mayor a gift from students and teachers - artistic picture.
This event once again proved that Kyiv and Kyoto combines a lot to do and there are many prospects for further cooperation.

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