January-June 2017

Vilnius University (Lithuania)


Due to the agreement on international cooperation with the Vilnius University (Lithuania), our students have the opportunity to study one semester on an exchange program at a partner university.

It is already the fourth exchange program for our students. Spring semester 2017 in Lithuania will spend students of the third year of the Faculty of Information Technology and Governance – Daryna Makukha and of the Faculty of Law and International Relations – Daria Biki.

We wish our students inspiration and success in studying!


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20-23 February 2017

Mechelen, Thomas More University (Belgium)


Within the framework of international project TEMPUS-DesIRE «Development courses on embedded systems using innovative approaches for virtual integration of science, education and industry in Ukraine, Georgia, Armenia," 544091-TEMPUS-1-2013-1-BE-TEMPUS-JPCR, in which Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University is participated, on February 20-23 in Mechelen, in Thomas More University (Belgium) was held reporting meeting of the project-participants, whose aim was to summarize completed tasks of the project.

The meeting attended scientists of higher educational institutions of Ukraine, Georgia, Armenia, Slovakia, Belgium. Our university was represented by the project coordinator, Vice-Rector on Informational Technologies – Nataliia Morze and a senior lecturer of the Chair of Information Technologies and Mathematic Disciplines Maria Gladun.

The participants listened to presentations of all partners (Ukraine, Armenia, Georgia, Belgium, Slovakia) on the realization the tasks of the project, discussed the results of the pilot study, determined the plan for further implementation of embedded systems in the learning process. Nataliia Morze greeted and informed participants about the implementation of the project in the educational process of our University. (Presentation)

The main areas of the project were:

  • study and training the University teachers in the field of STEM-education and embedded systems;
  • preparing and implementation of pilot studies the future professionals for the modern labor market and use of embedded systems, robotics;
  • updating curricula and development of electronic courses on embedded systems;
  • events devoted to the popularization STEM-education;
  • formation of competencies of future professionals necessary for the labor market of embedded systems;
  • foundation the laboratory of embedded systems and it use to enhance the interest of students to the design and use of embedded systems, robotics;
  • involvement of external stakeholders, signing agreements on cooperation, holding open lessons.

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