The Seventh International Telebridge with Seton Hall University  (New Jersey, the USA)

December 13, 2016

Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University 

December 13, 2016 the Seventh International Telebridge between Master students in History of Seton Hall University (Head – Professor James K. Daly) and the students of the Faculty of History and Philosophy of Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University (Head - Associate Professor Olga Tarasenko) was held in the form of Skype-conference.

The Seventh International Telebridge was dedicated to the report of American historians about execution of their part of American-Ukrainian research-scientific project ‘Research of history of Ukrainian diaspora in New Jersey (the USA) with the help of digital technologies’.

American partners dedicated their project to learning history of Orthodox church in New Jersey and general characteristics of four waves of Ukrainian immigration to the USA. The report of Ukrainian Master students in History on execution of their part of the project is planned to be presented in April 2017.

We cordially wish to all the participants of the project productive work and new achievements!

The signing of the memorandum of intent  with the European Wergeland Centre

December 9, 2016

Bulvarno-Kudriavska, 18/2 

The Memorandum of Intent with the European Wergeland Centre was signed on the Day of the University. This organization is an expert center in the field of education for democratic citizenship, human rights and intercultural understanding founded by Council of Europe and Norway in 2008 to support the Member States of the Council of Europe in implementing policy in this sphere.

The meeting was attended by Viktor Ogneviuk, Rector of the Grinchenko University; Ana Perona-Fjeldstad, executive director of the European Wergeland Centre; Pavlo Polansky, senior researcher of SRL of internationalization of higher education of the Grinchenko University; Natalia Vinnikova, Vice-rector for Research of the Grinchenko University; Iryna Sabor, program manager "Democratic School", a senior adviser of the European Wergeland Centre; Anastasia Rozlutska, expert of NGO "Center for Educational Monitoring".

Participants discussed future cooperation and participation of the Grinchenko University in common with the European Wergeland Centre project "Democracy at school".


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