10 31 nauk doslidzhennya il01

31 October, 2019
Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University

On October 31, 2019 at the meeting of the Academic Council of Grinchenko University there was approved the report on the interim results of the scientific research "Technology of Formation of Syllabic-rythmic Structure of Speech in Preschool Children with Special Educational Needs" (within the research project of the Institute of Human Sciences "Personality in the Context of Social Transformations in Modern Ukraine" (Head of the Project - Nataliia Klishevych, Director of the Institute of Human Sciences) and the research project of the Department of Special and Inclusive Education "Corrective-compensatory Component of Integration of Children with Special Educational Needs (SEN) into Social Environment ”(Head of the Project - Olena Martynchuk, Doctor of Sciences in Pedagogy, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Special and Inclusive Education).

10 28 belgium 13

28 October, 2019
Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University

On 28 October, with the support of Haspenvoud International, a Belgian youth organization, the delegation of students and teachers from Belgium visited Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University.
The aim of the organization is to implement international educational and cultural projects for Belgian youth aged 19 to 26. This year within the framework of the project "Glory to Ukraine!" our country is among their priorities.

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