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March 31, 2017

m. Kyiv, str. Bulvarno-Kudryavska, 18/2

As part of the agreement on international cooperation with the University of Mykolas Romerisa (Lithuania) Grinchenko University hosted a delegation from Lithuanian university including: the Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Law Professor Snieguole Matuliene, professor from Institution of Educology and social work Irena Zhemaytatyte and assistant professor of Institute of Political Science Gediminas Kazenas.

From the Grinchenko University at the meeting were representatives of the Faculty of Law and International Relations, Faculty of Information Technology and Management, Pedagogical Institute and the Institute of Human Sciences. Moderator of the meeting was the Vice-Rector for research Natalia Vinnikova.

In a warm and friendly atmosphere, participants discussed opportunities for academic exchange of teachers and students, participation in joint research projects under the Erasmus + and Horizon 2020, as well as writing a joint articles in scientometric databases Scopus and Web of Science.


21 March, 2017

Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University


Within the framework of the International Francophonie week Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University visited the First Secretary Embassy of Belgium in Ukraine Jean de Lannoy and shared with the students of the Institute of Philology and the Faculty of Law and International Relations thoughts abut "Belgium – Ukraine: dialogue of cultures".

Students and teachers of our University got a unique opportunity to speak French, learn about the Belgians, their habits and lifestyle, the official languages of Belgium, stay Belgians in Ukraine, discuss the problems of young Belgians in the context of higher education and employment and the prospects of Belgian-Ukrainian cultural and educational dialogue.

Nataliia Vinnikova, Vice-Rector for Research, introduced guests and pointed out on the importance of scientific cooperation and academic exchange between the two countries.

The event was initiated by the department of Romance Philology and Comparative-typological Linguistics Institute of Philology, supported by SRL of Internationalization of higher education.


On the 14th – 17th 2011 in Malmo, Sweden, the General Assembly of European Association for the Education of Adults (EAEA) approved the application form of Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University as an Associate Member of EAEA.

European Association for the Education of Adults (EAEA) is the European non-profit organization and a European NGO with 116 member organizations in 43 countries. EAEA influences EU policies on non-formal adult education and lifelong learning; represents adult education civil society in official working groups and conferences.

The benefits for our University as a member of the Association are as follows:

- We get access to Association services and benefit from their work.

- We can add our voice to the debate on adult education and actively support the advocacy work for adult education in Europe.

- We join a network of more than 120 associations from across Europe and more than 120 associations from across Europe.

- We can join EAEA events and share information and experiences in the educational issues.

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