• Borys Grinchenko Kyiv Metropolitan University
    Borys Grinchenko Kyiv Metropolitan University
  • Borys Grinchenko Kyiv Metropolitan University
    Borys Grinchenko Kyiv Metropolitan University
  • Borys Grinchenko Kyiv Metropolitan University
    Borys Grinchenko Kyiv Metropolitan University

The International Servant Leadership Program (ISLP) is a two-year program that takes participants through four modules.  In Ukraine it is carried out by Co-Serve International and Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University since fall of 2010.

Module 1 - Interactive Course on Servant Leadership.  This course is designed to model the building of an open and accepting community that demonstrates the incredible value of each participant, their stories and their ideas.  Through a process of action and reflection, the course works to help students learn from their hearts and from each other.  Through the course, students consider the values and principles of servant leadership, including the great value of people and relationships, the meaning of service, the unique purpose of each person, and the importance of serving and working in community. This course is taught on-site by Co-Serve facilitators and it is offered in different formats, the most common of which is a 2-week intensive that meets for about 3 hours each day.

Module 2 - Mentor Program.  In this module, participants work with a mentor to reflect further on what they learned during the Interactive Course on Servant Leadership and to continue to develop a deeper understanding of servant leadership.  The program is a series of 20 weekly e-mail discussions between participants and their mentors.  Using a workbook designed by Co-Serve, mentors and participants discuss a specific topic each week.  Part of these discussions are based on readings from Robert Greenleaf's essay, "The Servant as Leader."

Module 3 - Leadership Experience.  Co-Serve has recognized that many participants wonder if the principles of servant leadership can truly be practiced in real-life.  As such, Co-Serve has created two unique leadership experiences that introduce participants to incredible, real-life examples of leaders who serve their people.  These experiences are currently offered in the Northwest United States.

The first experience, the Servant Leadership Academy, is a 16 day experience held in the summer each year.  The goal of the Academy is to help participants to experience real-life communities of servant leadership where people are able to find their voice and where the excluded and powerless people of the world are  impacted.  Recent Academies have included opportunities for participants to get involved in the following "communities of servant leadership:" First Fruits of Washington, AKT LLP, Intel Corporation, Medical Teams International, and Warner Pacific College.  The Academy also includes a variety of group activities to help students think more deeply about servant leadership and growing in community.

Module 4 - Demonstration Project.  After completing the Leadership Experience, participants work in teams to complete a project that demonstrates servant leadership in their home community.  Each team is assigned a coach by Co-Serve, that walks with them and advises them as they complete their project.  The project gives participants an extended opportunity to live out and practice, in community with each other, the principles of servant leadership that they have been learning.  The project further shows participants that their dreams for bringing positive change to society can be realized.

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