In the fall of 2010 Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University hosted a Fulbright scholar Tamara Randolph from Walla-Walla University.
А Fulbright Senior Scholar project Tamara Randolph is here to exchange ideas and information with regard to methods of teaching English at American and Ukrainian institutions.
In collaboration with Dr. Valentyna V. Yakuba, Dr. Randolph implemented a two-pronged faculty survey to assess the perceived needs of the English-language teachers here. The results of the survey have determined two things:
1) in which area of English-language skills the faculty members want to personally develop (and in what manner)
2) if the faculty members want to develop a two-year personal Professional Growth Plan (PGP)
The personal Growth Plan (PGP) template was distributed and explained to faculty members at the last Faculty-Growth Seminar.
Dr. Randolph, known as “Teacher Tammy” to children around the world from China to Malaysia and Washington State, USA, has been at the university since Oct. 3. As a Fulbright Senior Specialist, she is available for consultation by administration, faculty, and students, as well as for presentations on the following topics:
- Fifty strategies for enriching student learning
- Student-population needs
- Comparisons and contrasts of two educational paradigms
- Qualities of exemplary syllabi
- Research on learning styles
- Participative learning
- Faculty growth
- Effective teaching and student assessment for 4th-5th-year pre-service teachers