
On May 24-25, 2023, within the framework of the Festival of Science – 2023, which took place on May 11-25, the 2nd International Scientific and Practical Online Conference for students, postgraduate students, young scientists and practitioners "Creative Industries: Modern Trends" took place at the Faculty of Journalism, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University.



On May 18, 2023, as part of the Festival of Science - 2023, in accordance with the implementation plan of JM Module of the Erasmus+ program "University autonomy in the development of democratic values in higher education: the experience of the EU member states for Ukraine", an international round table on the topic "University autonomy: the balance between government regulation and responsible independence" was held PhD, Assoc.prof. O.Protsenko, who is an associate professor of the Department of Social Pedagogy of the Institute of Pedagogical Sciences, Faculty of Pedagogy, Ignatianum Jesuit University in Krakow (Poland) and a Coordinator of the project, moderated the event.


On the 14th – 17th 2011 in Malmo, Sweden, the General Assembly of European Association for the Education of Adults (EAEA) approved the application form of Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University as an Associate Member of EAEA.

European Association for the Education of Adults (EAEA) is the European non-profit organization and a European NGO with 116 member organizations in 43 countries. EAEA influences EU policies on non-formal adult education and lifelong learning; represents adult education civil society in official working groups and conferences.

The benefits for our University as a member of the Association are as follows:

- We get access to Association services and benefit from their work.

- We can add our voice to the debate on adult education and actively support the advocacy work for adult education in Europe.

- We join a network of more than 120 associations from across Europe and more than 120 associations from across Europe.

- We can join EAEA events and share information and experiences in the educational issues.

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