Borys Grinchenko Kyiv Universiry

The Department of Ukrainian provides teaching of the discipline "Ukrainian as a foreign language" and "Regional Studies" for foreigners and stateless people. Language skills at levels A1, A2, B1.
Disciplines are taught by Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor Vintoniv T.M.; Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Senior Lecturer Gorokhova T.O., Vintonov T.M.
From the first lessons, students are involved in dialogic speech, which is the basis of a communicative method of teaching. They are given a hand in adapting to the country and university. The study is intensive, the mentality of the student's country, the speed of perception of the Ukrainian language, the level of knowledge of the student are taken into account, teachers have the individual approach to each student.
The university provides comfortable conditions for studying. Teachers maintain a favorable psychological climate in the classroom, support friendly relations between students, encourage them to work in the classroom, motivate students' dialogic speech, use different methods and approaches in teaching Ukrainian as a foreign language. Teachers of the Department of Ukrainian Language of Borys Hrinchenko Kyiv University are able to teach foreign students how to orient in the socio-cultural environment and achieve success in mastering the Ukrainian language at the level required by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.
In addition to lessons in the classroom, teachers conduct visual demonstrations of lexical topics and give foreign students an opportunity to discover Ukrainian vocabulary through making reports, watching movies, going on tours. During classes students create independent presentations about Ukrainian traditions and famous people of Ukraine, their country traditions. Teachers involve foreign students in competitions, conferences, conduct open thematic classes that help foreign students demonstrate their abilities to speak and overcome psychological barriers in the course of communicating process.
Students from Iran, Belgium, Turkey, Nigeria, Tatarstan, China, and Turkmenistan studied at the preparatory department. 


August 19, 2021
Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University
On August 18, 2021, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University hosted the presentation of art educational programs for foreign applicants with the support of the Ukrainian State Center for International Education.
The event was attended by: Viktor Ogneviuk, Rector of Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University; Liliia Hrynevych, Vice-Rector for Academic and International Affairs; Oleksii Zhyltsov, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs; Olena Shapovalova, Director of the Ukrainian State Center for International Education; Wei Limin, Director General of the Ukrainian-Chinese Center of Culture and Education; Kateryna Zavalko, Head of the Department of Instrumental and Performing Arts of the Institute of Arts; Hanna Kondratenko, Associate Professor of the Department of Musicology and Music Education at the Institute of Arts and representatives of the five largest international recruitment companies.
Grinchenko University presented the first in Ukraine, English-language educational and professional program "Musical Art" for the second (master's) level of higher education. Rector Viktor Ogneviuk noted that an excellent combination of long-term educational traditions and a modern innovative approach to mastering musical and performing skills will ensure the training of competitive professionals according to international standards in this program.
Liliia Hrynevych stressed that future artists will have the opportunity to master the instrumental and performing skills under supervision of the greatest specialists including Honored Artists of Ukraine, Honored and People's Artists of Ukraine, Doctors of Philosophy and Doctors of Science, known in Ukraine and abroad. The uniqueness of the system of training instrumentalists within the master's program is provided by a combination of individual and group trainings, and the major focus on individual form of training guarantees mastery of musical performance in special musical instrument, instrumental ensemble and instrumental improvisation classes.
Oleksii Zhyltsov presented the Preparatory Department for Foreign Applicants. Studying there enables foreign entrants not only to master the Ukrainian language, but also to gain additional knowledge in relevant subjects, significantly expanding their opportunities for getting higher education.
We hope for further fruitful cooperation with international recruitment companies and look forward to new foreign applicants!
Provided by SRL Internationalization of Higher Education


On the 14th – 17th 2011 in Malmo, Sweden, the General Assembly of European Association for the Education of Adults (EAEA) approved the application form of Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University as an Associate Member of EAEA.

European Association for the Education of Adults (EAEA) is the European non-profit organization and a European NGO with 116 member organizations in 43 countries. EAEA influences EU policies on non-formal adult education and lifelong learning; represents adult education civil society in official working groups and conferences.

The benefits for our University as a member of the Association are as follows:

- We get access to Association services and benefit from their work.

- We can add our voice to the debate on adult education and actively support the advocacy work for adult education in Europe.

- We join a network of more than 120 associations from across Europe and more than 120 associations from across Europe.

- We can join EAEA events and share information and experiences in the educational issues.

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