Web-site: http://library.kubg.edu.ua

e-mail: library@kubg.edu.ua

04212, Ukraine, Kyiv,
Levka Lukianenka Street, 13-B  


 Library Director

Tetiana Opryshko

phone: +38 044 485 21 99

e-mail: t.opryshko@kubg.edu.ua


Being aware of our users’ needs is one of the main tasks of our library staff. We conduct regular surveys that help us to develop and implement new services and services for our readers; we monitor new trends in science and in conducting research; we take the best colleagues’ experience and share our outcomes with others.

Library collections

Library collections are freely available in the reading rooms. We provide our users with:
● Educational and Scientific Papers
● Fiction and Books in Foreign Languages
● Rare and Valuable Editions
● Encyclopedias, Reference Books, Dictionaries
● Periodicals in Various Scientific Domains
● Theses and Dissertations Originals
● Scientific Papers and Journals Collections
● Conferences Proceedings

E-content for visitors

Rare books from library collections (http://library.kubg.edu.ua/resursi/fondy-biblioteky/ridkisni-ta-tsinni-vydannia.html). Publications of the second half of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries printed in a civic font, are kept in the library's fund. They are a treasure of the university bookstore. With the help of the catalog the readers have an opportunity to get acquainted with the list of rare editions, as well as to work with the digitized version of the book. 

Information services

● Electronic delivery of documents is a service that provides users with an opportunity to receive electronic copies of articles or fragments of printed publications from the University Library funds to the customer's e-mail.
● Editing the lists of used literature in a scientific publication and the list of references in accordance with international styles.
● Information on new acquisitions —informing users about new acquisitions of books and periodicals to the library fund.
● Consultancy on working with electronic resources.
● Interlibrary loan (ILL): a possibility to order documents from other libraries
● Indexing scientific papers with UDC codes
● Thematic selection of literature for the article, course, diploma, dissertation and other works from existing documents in library funds.
● Photocopying, scanning, copying electronic documents, printing documents
● BookCrossing: read a book & pass it on



Providing continuous online access to the library resources for study and work of students and researchers is one of the main directions of the development of the library at Grinchenko University.

The Institutional Repository

http://elibrary.kubg.edu.ua  of Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University is intended to accumulate, systemize and store in electronic form intellectual products of the University’s scientific community, providing open access to them by means of Internet technologies, dissemination of scientific materials in the world of scientific and educational space.

The electronic catalog

http://ek.kubg.edu.ua/cgi-bin/irbis64r_15/cgiirbis_64.exe?C21COM=F&I21DBN=KUBG&P21DBN=KUBG&LNG=uk allows users to access all library funds anywhere. The reader can not only look for the necessary books, but also order them online to pick up an order at the library later.

Electronic delivery of documents

It is a service that provides an opportunity for users to receive electronic copies of articles or fragments of printed publications from the funds of the University Library through the Internet.
The total volume of each requested document cannot exceed 25 pages https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe2foAozOCFEzwVlc9X7GOzckF8C1dcSQ_tEG4cnWGpQe-PoQ/viewform 
To receive electronic copies of documents, you must send an order for each requested document filling in the form.

Checking texts for plagiarism

The University Library verifies the detection of matches / identities / similarities in the texts by Unichek Plagiarism Verification Services. Materials for verification can be sent to the address library@kubg.edu.ua.

Open Access Resources

http://library.kubg.edu.ua/resursi/e-resursy/resursy-vidkrytoho-dostupu.html - a webpage with electronic sources in open access which is constantly updated and supplemented so that readers could use relevant and open sources for conducting research and deepening their knowledge.

The full-text collection of Borys Grinchenko's works

http://library.kubg.edu.ua/resursi/e-resursy/2012-08-15-10-09-40/povnotekstova-kolektsiia.html is our pride! We have collected Borys Grinchenko's works from various libraries of Ukraine in order to present them in full to our readers.

Test access to databases


http://library.kubg.edu.ua/resursi/e-resursy.html. It's important for us to provide access to information sources that our users need, so we regularly research various databases, conduct training sessions and use workshops, collect connection statistics and download documents, which enables us to connect only the best resources for our users.

Subscribed e-resources


It is a  list of resources that the library connects for readers; access to them can be obtained from the reading room of the library.

Scopus.com www.scopus.com 

Web of Science www.webofknowledge.com 



 The library is a key subdivision of the University, which is intended primarily to provide the information needs of students, postgraduates and university staff.

Our goal is to integrate into the world scientific and educational space by enhancing the role of the university library in teaching students, supporting research and projects through high-quality information support, comfortable space, service and innovation.
Our vision is the library as a leading scientific and educational center that is dynamically developing, it becomes a place for inspiration and comfortable work on the creation of projects, professional communication, carrying out various events; supports educational and scientific activities of students and scientists of the University at all stages of their research; provides an increase of the University's rating by promoting scientific publications to the international community and active international cooperation.
Our values:

Priorities for the development of the library are consistent with the main strategic goals of the University.

 Along with the fulfillment of the traditional functions of a library of a higher educational institution of IV accreditation level, the strategic development activities of the Library at Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University are:

1. Implementation of the project "Digital Library".
2. Improvement of the library’s space.
3. Provision of versatile informational needs of students and academic staff.
4. Provision of library services for inclusive education.
5. Provision of library services for foreign students of the University.
6. Support in research activities at the University.
7. Development of the University’s library staff.
8. Support for the practice-oriented training of specialists in accordance with the University's new educational strategy.
9. Automation and improvement of library processes.
10. Support to electronic and printed scientific periodicals of the University.
11. Establishment of the international activity of the University’s Library.
12. Provision of remote services and services to the users of the University’s library.
13. Implementation of innovations in library activities.
14. Usage of cloud-based technologies in the library for users and librarians.
15. Promotion of academic integrity at the University.
16. Development of social communication and construction of a library community by means of social networks.




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